
Our knowledge in the cloud

Since 2017, our customers have been using our own software. We automate complex tasks, analyze data, and create new solutions. Our 'software-as-a-service' products give you extra flexibility and control. Software development is performed from our sister company Energie Transitie Software BV.


Tomahawk data and calculation platform

The intuitive cloud-based data and calculation platform for analyzing, calculating, and monitoring your energy transition plans. Tomahawk presents all necessary energy transition data at building and address level within minutes. Search target groups, make calculations or compare heat scenarios in any possible area.

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Energeyes is online software that calculates and visualizes the energy performance of different building concepts. You can also easily enter future building concepts thanks to the intuitive user interface. Energeyes compares the energy balances of gas-free, energy-neutral and energy-zero concepts with the existing situation. Energeyes substantiates your choice.

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