
Bart Roossien

Bart Roossien

Senior consultant | Digital product developer

With a master in applied physics, Bart has a high affinity with solving complex (energy)issues, such as performing technical-economic feasibility studies towards waste heat reuse, grid congestion mitigation, energy saving measures and renewable energy, as well as implementing a smart grid and an energy research laboratory.

Furthermore, Bart is leading the design and realisation of digital products, such as online calculation tools, with which high value knowledge is made accessible for customers.

Marcel Elswijk

Marcel Elswijk

Senior consultant | Manager energy transition plans

Marcel observes his environment with curiosity and an open mind. He seeks and develops new integrated solutions and insights for zero-energy districts. Marcel connects and moves people, start-ups, companies, institutions and governments to get started with these solutions.

Marcel is involved, among others, in planning and realizing heating programs, subsidy applications (e.g SPUK-LAI), developing energy scenario's and district analyses with our software Tomahawk for municipalities.