Our Approach

Since 2011, EnergyGO has been working on the transition towards a flexible and self-sufficient energy system. That is our mission.

We make areas, buildings and organizations sustainable with our seven-step plan:

  1. Map the current and possibly future energy demand.
  2. Identify energy-saving measures for a lower energy demand.
  3. Identify existing waste streams such as data centers, heat networks, and sewage treatment plants in the vicinity, to cover part of the energy demand.
  4. Fill in the remaining demand with local generation of renewable energy, such as solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy (ATES), sewage heat, and biomass.
  5. Identify potential regional generation of renewable energy such as solar energy, hydropower, wind energy, geothermal energy (ATES), sewerage heat, and biomass.
  6. Determine whether flexibility and energy storage can smartly align the energy demand and renewable generation.
  7. If 100% sustainability is not yet feasible, the last step is to meet the remaining energy demand with finite energy sources, such as natural gas, coal, and oil products. But as efficiently and cleanly as possible.